Thursday, May 23, 2013

Saturday 29/10/11

Whoops!  Just saw this thing sitting in the pending slot because I apparently let Paris get the best of me and didn't finish it....anyway, here's an incomplete post!

I'm writing this as we are getting ready to head towards the airport on our way home. It comes with mixed reviews, but we are certainly excited about seeing our family, friends, dogs, and home. I think we can both definitively say, we could stay longer, but will be glad to be home.

Saturday was a day on our own. Some of the other folks on the tour we present in the morning and we got to say our goodbyes again and wished them all well.

Being we didn't have to wake up specifically for a tour, we slept until almost the ended of breakfast, making it down in enough time to eat.

Our stop was at Napoleons tomb which is built on the back side of Les Invalides, which is a massive military hospital built by King Louis XIV (this guy had stuff popping up all over the place).....

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